Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Adjectives 2

Sometimes the students like to talk about their family or friends, depending on who they happened to be hanging out with on the weekend. But when it comes to describing the people that are very influential or important in their lives, they tend to clam up and become nervous. They aren't used to describing people, either their physical appearance or their character traits. So using adjectives 2 really helps them to create a vocabulary list that they can apply to everyone that they know.

Two of the students that regularly come to Smith's School of English Kyobashi together really enjoy learning English as a team. They've been coming here for probably as long as I've been here... if not longer. They know everything that there is to know about a best friend... except how to describe what that friend looks like. So we opened up the text to the adjectives 2 lesson after reviewing the one point and started in on the vocabulary. Most of the words were new or forgotten so we had some fun drawing pictures to identify with the unfamiliar vocab such as pointed, bald, and beard. Once they had a firm understanding of the vocab, I gave the simple sentences to play with while using a bunch of picture cards of faces to describe. We started off with simple sentences like, "He has a round face," or, "He is bald."

I then mixed up the cards and told the students that we'd be playing a 'Guess Who?' game. One student would describe a mystery man and the other would have to guess which character she was referring to. This went really well with the students taking turns giving as many clues as possible and the other guessing the right card.

At the end, I had the students describe their fathers one at a time while the other drew a picture of him. They both had a field day with this part, exhibiting the descriptive words and abilities that they'd absorbed, as well as their humorous drawing skills.

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