Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A 25-day pickle...

Today for my first lesson, I had a single student who, I had found out just before the lesson, writes comedy. By the end of the lesson, I realized how funny he was (in the good way). We began with his one point from last time: I have to work 10 days in a row. Following my prompt, the student was able to quickly catch on and say it. I asked him if he had ever had to work 10 days in a row before. I wouldn't have been surprised if he had. But I was surprised to hear him say that he worked 25 days in a row before, and 14/15 hour days at that. He then went on to explain the reason for this, and it was quite interesting to hear about. This also lead to the explanation of a few vocabulary questions and common word choice ones which were related to his story. It was great that he was so eager to get across his story without me having to ask him too many questions.

Following this we went onto a discussion about food and drink. He told me about how he likes most foods, except Japanese pickles, because he thinks they smell bad. I asked him more questions, and later he told me about how his father's good was as a pickle-maker! That just might explain the dislike of pickles. We went over some more explanations of related vocabulary and phrases that arose during our conversation. I then segued into the Restaurant routine with him and finished off with another one point. By the end of the lesson he had written down a lot of notes and he seemed to be happy about it. Me too!

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